Toxicity of Spirituality as A Trend 

Photo by Karly Jones on Unsplash

According to studies, the pandemic has shown that many people turned to a higher power or their faith to help their mental health. That said, there is also a growth in spirituality and religion. Some identity as spiritual but not religious. However, that distinguishment should not matter. Both spirituality and religion have the same goal of creating a life abundant in love. Spirituality has become a trend for the younger generation, and many resonate with this thinking. Despite the community preaching about self-love, acceptance, and peace, it also has toxicity as a community. 

Aesthetic And Spirituality

The spiritual community supports minimalism, health, and minding your own business. However, there is this judgment and criticism over those that are spiritual and aesthetic. This judgment originates from the association that aesthetic tendencies are associated with superficiality. This is highly invalidating and disrespectful to judge another person's practice.

This judgment tends to be geared towards small businesses that do a great job of making their products aesthetically. Also, there is a judgment on those who do not look like they are aesthetically spiritual. What I mean by this is maybe their outfit isn't entirely thrifted, and they wear fast fashion. This apprehension is rooted in the idea that people who appear this way view it as a trend, not a lifestyle. 

Moreover, they also assume that they are not minimalists. Overall, this judgment comes from the dislike of consumerism. It's important to remember that there will always be consumerism regardless of the industry because society is built on capitalism. It's essential to keep an open mind and realize that looking 'vintage' doesn't make you any more or any less spiritual than another person. A person of style will never look cheap.

Spirituality Commodified 

Another massive frustration of this community is how commodified this industry has become. Understandably, there is a rise in many people that claim to be "psychic," selling faulty products or even preaching about misguided knowledge.

The hostility is because the community is typically relatively honest. Therefore, ulterior motives and business agendas take away from authenticity once commodified. However, it must be recognized that this occurs in every industry, and spirituality is no different.

Regardless, as a consumer, it will always be your responsibility to research and know who is legitimate and who is a gimmick. It is natural and about time for this industry that has been around forever to become part of the mainstream. This happens to all small niches (look at anime).

Do your best to search for ethical and honest retailers and support those that align with you. Take the time to learn the facts. Then proceed to figure out if it aligns and resonates with you. Do not create opinions or conclusions about those who seem off-putting at first. 

Spirituality and Practice Judgment 

An important aspect to remember about spirituality is that it's a unique experience for everyone. Each person will learn and grow into their rituals and ways of practicing intention. Therefore, everyone will uniquely figure out how to implement mindfulness in their daily lives.

The meaning is everything. There is too much focus on how things are done and too much judgment on if something is 'moral' or 'immoral' when practicing. Since we are not in one another's minds, there is no need to express opinions on other people's practices.

Being skeptical is healthy; however, there is no need to share if the idea is not asked. It should be celebrated that more people are trying to tap into their higher selves and live accordingly. As a society, we have come such a long way that we all have the knowledge and freedom to make these choices.

Since we are also the first generation to do this collectively, there will be a certain level of trial and error. All of us are learning how to connect to the best version of ourselves, and the only judgement that needs to spoke about is the encouragement between one another. 


This is an exciting time for spirituality because it shows how society craves consciousness. Spirituality is a growing industry, and it should be celebrated that many are trying to connect with their higher selves. Growing spiritually isn't just a win for a person's and society's well-being. The main goal of spiritual beliefs is to cultivate love in a person's life by being intentional and aware. This process is unique to everyone, and we should all celebrate and support each other in this journey. 

Read more on mediation, “The Science Behind Crystals.

Read more on self-love “Inner Beauty is Outer Beauty.

Read more on boundaries in “Acting In My Divine Woman.


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