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Unveiling The Importance of Body Skin Care
While we often lavish attention on our faces, the skin enveloping the rest of our body cries out for nurturing and protection.
Realistic Ways To Love Yourself
To put things simply, confidence is the ability to live authentically as yourself. It comes down to being able to pick yourself over your family, friends, and situations where your authenticity is challenged.
How to Prep Skin For Makeup
Prepping the skin before makeup is much more different than preparing it for a bedtime routine because it also requires building a good base. This is also a necessary time to recognize the importance of using clean products that will not damage your skin.
Beauty Matters, Not in the Way You Think
The feeling of wanting to fit into an aesthetic is relatable, but not fitting in and doing an excellent job at it is better.
The Only Time You Shouldn’t Listen to Your Morals
Discussing the nuance of self-awareness and being open-minded also means being open to challenging or changing your morale. Holding on to your morale doesn’t make you a better person. Sometimes it just means you are ignorant.
The Truth About Your 20s
The biggest misconception about being in your 20s is that everyone knows what they are doing. I’m currently in my mid-late 20s and feel that if I had heard these talking points, my mind would have been much more at ease. So let’s get into it!
Toxicity of Spirituality as A Trend
Spirituality has become somewhat of a trend for the younger generation, and many resonate with this line of thinking. Despite the community preaching about self-love, acceptance, and peace, it also has toxicity as a community.
The Truth Behind Slugging
Lately the method of slugging is trending on social media, and many are shocked by the effects. As a person who struggles with psoriasis and eczema since the age of 15 it is shocking that these are not common practices. Regardless of skin type (considering there are not any medical anomalies)
Acting In My Divine Woman
This may sound strange because I am a woman, however, I am not referencing my gender rather feminine energy. It was not until recently, through therapy, that I became aware that I was living through my masculine energy due to my childhood trauma. My masculine energy manifested itself negatively through hyper independence, discomfort with emotions, trust issues, the inability to ask for help, and my hard to read demeanor. I do not intend to give any advice on “how to be more divinely feminine” because I am still learning but I do want to share my knowledge.
This week:
Asian Skincare vs. American Skincare
Getting into skin care can be intimidating because many products and methods target different focuses. I’ve noticed lately the benefits of both an American and an Asian skin routine and wanted to share what resonates.
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What exactly is Gua Sha, and what are the benefits it promises? Let’s delve deep into this intriguing world of age-old wisdom to understand how Gua Sha can be a game-changer for your skin and well-being.