Founded in 2022

Every day is a journey back to yourself. Honouring your mind, body, and soul - is true beauty.

Beauty is more than skincare, looking your best, or a trend. It is a state of alignment between yourself and your lifestyle. What makes you feel? What keeps you curious? What are you good at? What do you want to improve? Alignment with these questions helps to live authentically. Despite circumstances, you create your life by committing to your authenticity and healthy habits.

Our environment and world are influential to our evolution. This knowledge shapes informed decisions regarding our health, morale, and choices. We must look at the uncomfortable realities to seek an honest expansion. This fuels my passion for clean and local products, implementing healthy decisions, and challenging my beliefs.

So, welcome to my blog. My name is Pauline or cosmecvegan. This is a space where I will share all things makeup and skincare but make it spiritual. This space aligns makeup with ethics and embraces the ugly truth that comes along. Join me on my journey of growth, self-care, and authenticity. Let’s come back to ourselves together.