The Science Behind Crystals

Photo by Krystal Ng on Unsplash


A theme of the pandemic is the emphasis on the individual. This emphasis on caring for yourself and your mind leads to the current changes in post-pandemic life. As a Canadian, our country was one of the vastest countries to implement lockdown. Lockdown became the new normal, resulting in self-reflection and genuine wonder about existence. That said, learning more about mindfulness and spirituality also led me to crystals. This may seem weird and even psychotic, but I promise there is a science behind it.


Crystals have been around since the earliest civilizations, like the Egyptians and Greeks; there are even biblical references to crystals. Many ancient civilizations believe crystals help with meditation and mental health/spirituality. Their uses are also similar to how it is used today. In the past, it was used for healing or meditative purposes. However, it was also used as an energy transmitter, and it is said that quartz crystal has been used to record or tap into other realms. Quartz crystal is also found in many electronics, like cell phones, remotes, TVs, and computers. Hitachi, the Japanese technology company, has also found a way to store data on a crystal due to the nature of the quartz crystal.

Marcel Vogel is the scientist who popularized quartz crystals' use and study. His scientific discoveries circulated luminescence. One of his most ground-breaking experiences was conducting experiments on plants and if they have emotions. His studies were able to confirm that plants are responsive to human thought. This led to his research on a project called “the energy of Love” when “Marcel set up two squares of grass on either end of the laboratory. Each day, he would spend an hour directing the energy of love to one of the grass squares using prayer and thought. The other patch of grass, he completely ignored. After one month, the grass receiving the love grew at thirty-five percent more than the grass that was ignored”. This led to his study of ether and the basis of remote healing with crystals. These scientific discoveries led to the impact and continual use of crystals today.

Crystal’s Today

Today, crystals are used in many forms of alternative medicine, such as reiki, chakra balance, and meditation. Tech companies also use crystals as energy transmitters. They can be found in various electronics, but more recently, many scientists have been using them to store data and explore the idea that this is how our ancestors potentially used crystals. However, with any discourse, there will always be a competing argument, and one of the prevalent arguments about crystals is the placebo effect. According to this article, the placebo effect is when believing in an outcome creates the desired result. Although this argument on crystals as a healing property may be sound, if the product is the same as the initial intention, then there is no harm in believing in something that has a positive effect.

How Do Crystals Heal?

The law of conservation states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, this also confirms that everything has its unique energetic vibration. From inanimate objects to humans, we all radiate at different levels. When a crystal is formed, its geometric shapes are a physical representation of its energy and its colours. These properties are important because they define their unique nature and vibration. Their colours also relate to the human chakra system, and it is believed that crystals with the corresponding colours provide vibrational healing to that area. Chakra systems represent different aspects of the body. For example, the sacral chakra is orange. Therefore crystals with those colours will be most effective in those areas. Chakra healing is an alternative medicine practice used since ancient civilizations. Studies have been conducted to prove the existence of chakras using isotopes. On this basis,

it is possible to determine the different colours of the chakra. Studies conducted on mentally ill lab rats tested the effectiveness of reiki, proving the practice’s effectiveness in completely reversing mental illness.

That said, the body is capable of healing through vibration and energy. It is proven that simply meditating can change vibrational energy. The previous article mentioned that vibrational healing and mental health have been studied and proven effective. Vibrational healing contributes to the growth and takes place in different ways, like meditation. Meditation takes place in various forms like breathwork, mental focus, or any state of intentional awareness. Additionally, experiencing more positive emotions will change vibrational energy, such as gratitude and generosity. Even the food our body processes contributes to the shift in vibrational energy. All these examples show how vibration can be easily changed from a small scale, like crystals, reiki, and yoga, to a larger scale, like food. When the term “healing crystal” gets thrown around, many people think their physical ailment will disappear immediately. This is not the case. Like any pharmaceutical medicine, it takes time. Utilizing crystals to heal by adding them to healthy habits such as meditation and yoga enhances the effects of these practices. Building small habits tends to lead to healthier habits, resulting in a lifestyle change.


Crystals are a powerful tool that our ancestors used in ancient civilizations, and these practices have managed to maintain themselves through time. The truth is our bodies can heal, and our bodies have the knowledge passed down from our ancestors. The more practice and effort to close the gap between mother nature and our bodies, the more we can withstand evolving with technology and the processed environment. Health is managing our connection to mother nature so we can put forward our best energy to develop society to higher freedom.


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