Inner Beauty Is Outer Beauty 

The quote, “There is no such thing as an ugly woman, just a lazy one,” changes how to understand beauty. It is not that looks do not matter. However, there is a relationship between the two. Beauty is something that embodies both kindness, aesthetics and honesty.

Beauty is a state of maintenance and being that is projected into aesthetics. True beauty is respecting and maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional needs. The eyes are the window to the soul, and people's hearts and love are in their eyes' softness.  


Taking time to care for yourself is more than acts of kindness. It is a ritual that helps ground you to yourself and get comfortable in your skin. The idea is that you are listening to what your body needs and addressing it. That can be skincare, the gym, or dietary choices.

It can also mean practicing creativity like writing, makeup, music, or movement. This is important because making habits out of hobbies aligned with what feels right to you creates a skill that enriches authenticity.

According to this essay, academics answer the question, what is beauty philosophy? Findings show that the focus becomes enjoying and feeling more like yourself in these activities. These practices keep you grounded and human, and balanced life. 

Inner Beauty 

Inner beauty is appreciating all the ugly, bad, pretty, and human aspects of yourself. It is about being honest about yourself and recognizing who you want to become if you do not know what to become, you can start by looking at traits you wish to change or create.

Get comfortable with the fact that everyone is constantly changing to be a better version of themselves. Understand that you can change your mind, morals, and beliefs when you want. It is also about acting on these beliefs and maintaining those boundaries.

Expect to find traits that are difficult to handle in everyone – including yourself. Removing the generalization of “good” features over “bad” traits is ideal, instead realizing that there is always a reaction to action and mind expansion. People behave as a projection of how they view the world and feel.

Having a more objective perspective and respecting what people are willing to suffer makes connecting with others easier. Everyone chooses to suffer how they want. Understanding and accepting this notion is where kindness lies in yourself and others.

Outer Beauty

The link previously mentioned discusses what a beauty essay is. The report analyzes the superficial and deeper understandings of beauty. This beauty is understood as “superficial” beauty because it regards looks. The findings show the history of beauty and how society values it today.

Presently, physical beauty is reflective of good habits. Most times, people tend to look like their habits. For example, if you enjoy partying and indulging in drugs and alcohol, it will reflect in your body. In the same way, a person enjoys maintaining physical health and living a “green” life.

Some people are skinny and still live a fun lifestyle; however, they tend to have some form of mental illness or health issue. Conversely, some people have unhealthy and unbalanced relationships with food and use “health” to maintain control.

Either extreme leads to unhappiness and the goal is to find a healthy balance. Outer beauty is essential because it reflects where your energy is directed towards. In doing so, your body will naturally glow, and you can feel guilt-free about enjoying your time and life.

Outer beauty reflects how you treat others as well. Many can argue that they have encountered “hot” people who are not kind. However, the more someone focuses on kindness, the more a person begins to see the “ugliness” in a person’s aura.

Shifting your focus to kindness and love will help people see others for their aura, not their aesthetic. Understanding this is where the quote mentioned earlier is true, beauty lies in effort and manifests physically. 

Inner beauty + Outer Beauty = Beautiful

The goal in life is to become the highest vibration of yourself. To achieve this is to combine inner and outer beauty needs, ultimately having a flux mindset. Committing and honouring yourself through a healthy lifestyle is what beauty is. For more understanding of balance and inner recognition/beauty, visit this blog.

Although circumstances cannot be controlled, habits can be. Life is not fair, it is not easy, and sometimes it can be not kind. Making healthy choices and habits is essential to get through the trials and tribulations without losing your sanity and maintaining your mental health.

Understanding what works and what our skills are is an excellent step in cultivating that skill further. Doing so can change everything about life because that action vibrates love in the realm of yourself and possibly your career. It strengthens self-understanding and identity. To read more about authenticity, visit this blog.

If love is prioritized in every aspect of how you manage life, there is no way that you cannot find “happiness.” Beauty is love, and to become love is prioritizing it in every component of your life. Love, balance, imperfection, and growth are beauty.   


Define what beauty is for you and stand in your truth. Beauty is so much more than physical and emotional care. It is about managing these needs and enjoying the process too.

It is about having no judgment towards yourself and others to accept the changes that need to be made. The space made from these judgments fosters kindness and will manage negative emotions.

Being “beautiful” is radiating love in all aspects of your life and respecting boundaries where necessary. For more related reading on beauty and the relationship with auras, visit The Science Behind Crystals. 


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The Science Behind Crystals