Realistic Ways To Love Yourself

Self-love is taught today through faking your confidence with the idea that, eventually, you will become that energy. Although there is truth to that concept, it also oversimplifies the complexities of genuinely accepting yourself. Truly loving yourself is also recognizing what you do not like about yourself and finding the power within that discomfort. Building habits that support this mentality can be realistic. Below are the best suggestions to create patterns to strengthen your confidence.

Know What You Stand For

Before anything, it’s essential to know your comfort levels. At the same time, it’s just as important to understand what makes you uncomfortable and whether you can change your opinions and beliefs with valid points. People often think you are your beliefs, but in reality, what you believe in helps you navigate life for a positive experience. This distinction is crucial because it credits duality. Duality is essential because that’s the source of confidence; knowing what you stand for is useless if you can’t adjust those beliefs to maintain a fresh and insightful perspective.

Additionally, boundaries are derived from how you operate, implying that it isn’t wrong for others to live in another way. The best analogy for this is the concept of a math problem. If the completion of life is to get to 10, there are a variety of number combinations that get to that outcome, and none of them are wrong. The same concept applies to values; everyone needs to live a life that will give them the most growth. Find confidence in the best boundaries for you and honour them as you live.  

Don’t Compromise Your Heart And Gut Feeling

Aligning with your feelings is essential. The longer that it’s neglected, the harder it becomes to find satisfaction and live in peace. Being uneasy in life means that you know you aren’t doing something honest with who you are. Although there may be tempting opportunities like a well-paying job or a more accessible alternative, these options will only damage your emotional well-being. That sense of uneasiness also creates underlying stress, irrational decision-making, and an increased sense of emptiness.

That said, this doesn’t mean that money is unimportant. Rewiring your mind to think like this will teach you to throw yourself at what works for you and give your best effort. In doing so, you begin to compete with yourself simply for the reason of growth, and typically, this will result in a career that cultivates freedom and compensation. It creates a reality where you can profit from your skills and passions rather than conforming to something that doesn’t reflect your skills.

Stop Caring About Opinions

Understanding that opinions and judgement reflect a person’s projection of their beliefs and insecurities is the first step in not caring about decisionsdecisions. The next step is that not everyone has your vision. More importantly, if they can’t have your idea, it isn’t a perspective that is meant for them. This is simply because it will not serve their growth, nor will it be something they can process. That said, it isn’t your job to provide others with insight into understanding your choices because your life and choices are meant for your learning journey.

Overall, as adults, you are only responsible for yourself, and you need to be honest about how easily influenced you are to stay on track, make your decisions for yourself and let doubt fuel your efforts. This concept becomes problematic when it comes to people close to you. However, it doesn’t matter if people are agreeable to your choices regardless of their role. No one knows what’s best for you other than yourself, and if you can’t recognize what’s best for yourself, then learning the hard way is the only way to gain that understanding. In all honesty, if people cannot respect your path, that also reveals their inability to stay in their lanes and reflects their unhealthy boundaries.


But confidence is the ability to live authentically as yourself. It comes down to being able to pick yourself over your family, friends, and situations where your authenticity is challenged. The distinction between living authentically and selfishness comes down to intention, as long as you lead with kindness but prioritize yourself. Be unapologetically yourself. This is easier said than done. However, building a life that reflects who you are is necessary.


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