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Unveiling The Importance of Body Skin Care
While we often lavish attention on our faces, the skin enveloping the rest of our body cries out for nurturing and protection.
Toner Vs. Essence: Understanding the Differences and Deciding What's Best for Your Skin
Two products that often get intertwined in confusion are toners and essences. Though they might seem similar, they serve different purposes and have unique benefits. Let's dive deep and differentiate between the two.
Romanticize Your Self-Care
Overall, self-care is a moment of rejuvenation for your higher self. It’s a moment where you are reminded why you are that B. Even on the saddest or hardest days, practicing this routine and saying positive affirmations amidst the heavy emotions speak on your intentions.
How to Prep Skin For Makeup
Prepping the skin before makeup is much more different than preparing it for a bedtime routine because it also requires building a good base. This is also a necessary time to recognize the importance of using clean products that will not damage your skin.
Beauty Matters, Not in the Way You Think
The feeling of wanting to fit into an aesthetic is relatable, but not fitting in and doing an excellent job at it is better.
The Only Time You Shouldn’t Listen to Your Morals
Discussing the nuance of self-awareness and being open-minded also means being open to challenging or changing your morale. Holding on to your morale doesn’t make you a better person. Sometimes it just means you are ignorant.
How to Layer Serums
Nevertheless, the best skin care routines are the routines that know how to be strategic about building the skin barrier and purging it. Implementing that into your skincare method will be a game changer on top of cultivating a healthy gut.
Why I Love Sugaring Instead of Waxing
Growing up in a predominantly Filipino household, I was fed the myth that if I shaved my legs, the hair would grow thicker. I was also told that I could only shave half of my leg… for what reason, I don’t know. I still practice hair removal in my self-care because I’m reclaiming my power and femininity.
Top 5 Serums
Below is a product review of face oils or serums that help maintain skin naturally. Here is what I am currently obsessed with in my skincare routine!
Inner Beauty Is Outer Beauty
The quote “There is no such thing as an ugly woman, just a lazy one” is something that changes how to understand beauty. It is not that looks do not matter, however, there is a relationship between the two. Beauty is something that embodies both kindness, aesthetic and honesty.
This week:
Asian Skincare vs. American Skincare
Getting into skin care can be intimidating because many products and methods target different focuses. I’ve noticed lately the benefits of both an American and an Asian skin routine and wanted to share what resonates.
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What exactly is Gua Sha, and what are the benefits it promises? Let’s delve deep into this intriguing world of age-old wisdom to understand how Gua Sha can be a game-changer for your skin and well-being.